There are five issues I view as top priorities that I will discuss with Keene residents during this 2023 municipal elections.

Public Safety

The first responsibility of local government is the safety of its residents. Police and fire are our first responders. Adequate and well-trained personnel are essential. The first responder network extends beyond municipal staff to health and mental health workers. Local educational institutions prepare these essential workers. Supportive housing providers also play a role. This is the system of care essential for the health and safety of our residents. The city needs to be a good partner in this network of providers.


It will take a variety of strategies to meet the housing needs for people in Keene and surrounding towns. The city needs to be a good partner, with developers and surrounding towns. Adding occupancy to existing properties and building housing on underutilized properties need to be part of the solution. Creating more affordable housing opportunities in and near downtown will add to the City’s vibrance.


The Chamber’s theme of “within thriving distance” is designed to attract people to the Monadnock region. The city needs to become part of that effort, attracting more students to area colleges, making sure students have internships locally and encouraging young people to make their lives here. We also need the technology infrastructure for people to be connected globally, 24/7. The city needs to be that welcoming place that attracts people to the heart of the Monadnock region.


The heart of Keene is its downtown. Its vibrance draws the community together daily as well as for festivals. A walkable and livable downtown requires commercial and retail stores and services. The city needs an infrastructure that accommodates economic vitality and additional housing downtown. The city needs to be prepared to partner with developers to create multi-use parking-storefront-apartment development in the city’s center.

Community Engagement

Neighbors helping neighbors is a hallmark of Keene’s rural, independent character. The pride of place exhibited in Keene is part of its historic and geographic position as the hub of New Hampshire’s Monadnock Region. In today’s technologically oriented world, we need to create human interactions that foster a sense of community belonging, as well as media portals to keep people informed. The City’s role is to help its residents to be connected locally and globally. The city must work in partnership with businesses, nonprofit organizations, schools and colleges to meet these community needs.

I’ll be hosting weekly talks in host homes throughout the city each week from Labor Day to the elections. I’ll be seeking resident input on their most important issues and what its municipal officials can do to make Keene an outstanding place to live, work and recreate, now and in the future.